How Arvigo® Changed My Life

I went from almost never having a period to now having a regular menstrual cycle, thanks to The Arvigo® Mayan Abdominal Healing Technique. This technique is also known as the fertility abdominal massage.
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I’m Isabelle and I help women conceive naturally, achieve a natural cycle again after being irregular, with digestive issues, with PMS, I help women experience a smoother menopause, I help women realign their uterus and be in a state of flow.

I went from almost never having a period to now having a regular menstrual cycle, thanks to The Arvigo® Mayan Abdominal Healing Technique. It’s true, you can ask anyone in my close intimate friend circle that it was a known fact that I wouldn’t be the girl you would ask for a pad or tampon because my cycle was so irregular and hardly ever present. 

Actually, it was something I worried about as I entered my 20s, asking my doctor and other health care practitioners as to how I can solve this… and if I was ok? I never received an answer as to why my period was so irregular apart from maybe I was “too athletic” and they see this often – but even when I slowed down on my exercise regiment things didn’t change. 

Then, I did the Arvigo® Self-Care Training.

L i f e . CHANGING.

I’ll give you the conclusion so you don’t have to wonder but after consistently doing The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® for around 2 months, I can now SUPER PROUDLY announce that I get my period every single month, on the same day, never skipping a beat. 

If you’re not a woman it may be hard to understand how much of a milestone this is. 

I literally for the first time, EVER, had to go buy myself pads and tampons last year. 

I am my own success story. This technique WORKS. This is my calling. I currently am helping woman successfully and naturally conceive and will continue to help them postpartum.

In the trainings I’ve done with the Arvigo® Institute I have heard of countless of thousands of success stories where women who kept suffering from miscarriages or were told by doctors that they were infertile WERE ABLE TO CONCEIVE due to this beautiful, ancient bodywork technique

Arvigo® was even featured on Oprah – this modality comes from the last Mayan master healer in Belize, Don Elijio Panti, who taught Dr. Rosa Arvigo® a naprapath—someone who specializes in realigning the connective tissue—from Chicago who has spent the past 30 years living in the heart of Belize’s rainforest.

Arvigo® Fertility Massage Session Montreal


The Arvigo® Mayan Healing Technique is a non-invasive massage founded on ancient Maya healing techniques that aligns your reproductive and abdominal organs into optimal position. It works with your 5 systems of flow: your nerves, arteries, veins, lymphs, and chi. By working all of these 5 systems we are promoting vital flow to support your body’s inherent ability to heal and achieve balance within.

To help you understand just how powerful this treatment is: 

Arterial blood flows through your body every 30 seconds.

As soon as you relieve the pressure on various tissues, arteries, veins, nerves and lymph – blood has already begun to move in at a speed too fast to be seen by the naked eye. With just a few treatments bodily forces could heal the alignments that hold the uterus in place, flush out accumulated debris, improve venous drainage, and revitalize nerve energy completely.

This is definitely what happened to me seeing as I would suffer from lower abdominal pain and now… my uterus and pelvic area feels in complete balance. 

What made the difference: I was consistent with my self-care massage practice and made it a self-love ritual ✨

We teach you this at the end of your first consult session. If you want faster results, you must be diligent with this.

We can say this about everything in life. The more care you tend to for yourself, the faster rate in healing and natural improvement of your life experience. 

Where our intention goes, energy flows.

You could benefit from Arvigo® if you have any of the following:

  • Tilted/misaligned uterus
  • Prolapsed uterus and/or bladder
  • Fertility challenges
  • Difficult pregnancy and delivery
  • Chronic miscarriages
  • Painful and/or irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation
  • Blood clots during menstruation and excessive bleeding
  • Dark thick blood at beginning and end of menses
  • PMS/Depression
  • Uterine and/or bladder infections
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine fibroids and polyps
  • Painful intercourse
  • Difficult menopause
  • Pelvic congestion and pain
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Chronic Constipation
  • Gastro-Esophogeal Reflux (GERD)
  • Chronic indigestion or heartburn
  • Gastritis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Lower backaches or pelvic pain
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Frequent, difficult, and/or incomplete urination


Isabelle from Blu Wellbeing 🕊🦋🌻🌞❤️

For inquiries please email me at

or schedule in your first consult using the following link:

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